#8 - MEW Bulletin
Ego says, “Once everything falls into place, I'll feel peace.” The Spirit says, “Find your peace, and then everything will fall into place.” - Marianne Williamson.
"Every person has their own religion." - Unknown.
Story - The Rainmaker
A westerner was travelling through China and came to a village where there was a great drought. He asked the elders of the village what they were doing about the drought and they said they had called the rainmaker. The next day the shrivelled old man arrived from a distant province. The villagers took the old man to a hut on the outskirts of the village where they left him alone for three days. Finally, at the end of the third day, the rain began to pour, and it continued all night long. The next day when everyone was celebrating the westerner asked the rainmaker, “how did you make it rain? The rainmaker replied, “I came from a place that was in order, and because the land was in order the land would do what it needed to do, and so it would rain when it needed to rain. When I came here the land was out of order, and that disorder affected me. So I came to this hut and i put myself in order. And once I had put myself in order, the land came into order, and once the land came into order, the land did what it needed to do, and it rained."
Carl Jung created a psychological system called the individualisation process and apparently he loves this story because it mythically captures this system.