#39 - MEW THEORY: The Three R’s of Personal Growth: Recognise, Redirect, Realise
The full video can be viewed here on YouTube.
So on the journey I have noticed that there tends to be three stages when it comes to embodying a new theme or a new way of being when it comes to personal growth. They are: recognise, redirect, and realise - hence ‘The Three R’s’.
The first stage, recognise, is when something first comes on your radar. Let’s take meditation for example. Maybe someone in your life has started meditation, or you heard someone on a podcast talk about how it has changed their life. It grabs your attention, and something about it calls to you. You know that there is something to this thing because it seems very real in other people, however you just don’t see it yet. Yet still, life goes on, and no real change is made in your life. However, the seed has been planted.
- The second stage is is redirect. This is when you finally begin to redirect your life or your path to incorporate this thing. The time gap between something appearing on your radar and you practically moving towards it can be years. For example, maybe it takes two years since hearing that podcast to actually sit down and meditate for the first time. But thats okay, the timing doesn’t matter. Things happen when they are supposed to and there are constantly hundreds of things circling around in our orbit at one time.
- The third and final stage is realise, that is, to make real. When you first redirect your life and commit to exploring something, you still might not get it. You might meditate every day but you’re not really getting anything out of it. You’re on the path to embodying it, but you’re still on the outside. Then something happens. Then, you get it. You have the breakthrough experience, you feel the closeness of Source. This is when you embody the thing, when you understand it, when you realise it.
Now I didn’t really come up with this theory - I’m just putting a name to it. I know its a Universal theme that everybody has experienced. It can apply to pretty much anything related to growth, from ice-baths to exercise to reading to travel. For me, I am at the recognise stage with yoga, at the redirect stage with stretching, and at the realise stage with gratitude. It takes time but you get to choose the direction you go, and as the saying goes, a ship just one degree off course can end up in a different port.