#3 - Keeping My Art Between Me & 'God'
"Imagine going to live on a mountaintop by yourself, forever. You build a home that no one will ever visit. Still, you invest the time and effort to shape the space in which you'll spend your days. The wood, the plates, the pillows - all magnificent. Curated to your taste. This is the essence of great art. We make it for no other purpose than creating our version of the beautiful, bringing all of ourself to every project, whatever its parameters and constraints. Consider it an offering, a devotional act." - Rick Rubin
"If we second-guess our inner knowing to attempt to predict what others may like, our best work will never appear." - Rick Rubin.
The Creative Act by Rick Rubin. Available on Audible or in your local bookstore.
Rick Rubin - Offer your art up to God
Chris Williamson and Alex Hormozi - Do 21 podcast episodes and you will be in the top 1% of podcasters of all time because most people quit before 20.
Perfectionism - Unrelenting Standards Schema